Sharing Histories


Nick Simons Foundation The East Foundation Bhaskar-Tejshree Memorial Foundation

Project Goal:

Improve whole Family health by connecting women's lived experiences to health science focusing on mother and child health and raising health awareness & Sensitization within communities


One assistant healthworker shared that there is still a need to develop trust for children immunization and advocate a nutritionous diet for mothers and children. She thinks the health program in her community will improve the mother and children's health and her capacity for better service.

Sharing Histories empowers marginalized mothers through storytelling. It enables women to be in control of their own health decisions. By identifying health challenges through personal stories in safe spaces, women are equipped with the knowledge and peer support to take ownership of their family’s health and well-being. Women’s Action Groups of empowered mothers support Female Community Health Volunteers to extend healthy behaviors and increase better use of local healthcare facilities.

The Sharing Histories Facilitator’s guidebook is now available in Nepali. It is now available for Female Community Health Volunteers to facilitate Mothers' Groups for Health and support their ongoing activities. Sharing Histories brings communities together by using local pride and education to bring people together. Not limited only to health, Sharing Histories enables participants to be in control of their own planning process and strategic direction. It rapidly branches out across the community as it addresses local priorities. Efforts in family health rapidly extend into community sanitation, sustainable agriculture, and local income generation.

Mothers' Groups have organized Women's Only Workshops to discuss issues related to child immunization, nutrition, and family planning. The Women’s Only Workshop facilitators suggest good health practices and assist participants to minimize the health issues identified in the sharing based on health science practices. Mothers receive training and skills to grow vegetables in local gardens to provide nutritious food for their families and generate income for vulnerable women.

Sharing Histories has Five Interventions of community action. The interventions can change in name, but their functions are essential. The Five Interventions occur in unison once they are started:

  1. Establishing a “Safe Space” of Trust
  2. Learning Through Storytelling
  3. Community Action Groups
  4. Local Evidence, Relevant Data
  5. Referrals to the Health Treatment Systems